New fires broke out around Chernobyl

Tens of thousands of people had to move out of the "forbidden zone" around the plant after the nuclear accident of 26 April 1986, but there are nuclear waste repositories and military ammunition depots. “Firefighters continue to sprinkle water in places where smoldering dry trees and wood matter and also peat smolder. Due to wind gusts in the second half of the day, the situation became more complicated. Three new outbreaks have emerged, but they are not extensive and do not pose a serious threat, "the firefighter's spokesman said. The fire fighting involved more than a thousand firefighters with 120 pieces of equipment, including two helicopters. Radiation background in Kiev about 110 kilometers away, according to authorities, remains "within the standard" and does not exceed natural radiation values. Ukrainian firefighters struggled with large forest fires near Chernobyl at the beginning of the month before the commander reported to President Volodymyr Zeleny that the fire was extinguished, but he added that grass and vegetation would smolder for a few more days. The fires in the Chernobyl "Forbidden Zone" began on April 4, and 12 displaced villages were killed by the flames, the inhabitants of which were evacuated after a fourth reactor crash that sent clouds of nuclear material across Europe. However, Chernobyl is currently closed as part of national anti-coronavirus measures V okolí odstavené jaderné elektrárny v Černobylu ve čtvrtek vinou silného větru propukly tři nové požáry. Úřady ujišťují, že nejsou rozsáhlé a neohrožují důležité objekty, napsala agentura Interfax-Ukrajina s odvoláním na hasiče. Silný vítr ale může komplikovat hašení, upozornila agentura Reuters.

Published: 13. 04. 2020

Category: News | Politics
